


Product Description

 Pokhara is Nepal one of the most popular tourist place . It is one of the big and clean city of Nepal . Pokhara  is famous boating, rafting, bunjjumping trekking and other many thing . In Pokhara poeple can see shadow of Machhapurchhe mountain .

    Place to visit Pokhara 

    In Pokhara there are many visti place for tourist . In Pokhara you can visit Phew lake, David fall, Talbarahi and other many place . In Pokhara you can enjoy for boating, rafting, trekking, and bunjijumping , In Pokhara you can many place who attract tourist, It is Nepal most tourist visit place . If you go visit pokhara you can find any facilities which avabile in kathmandu . Pokhara is Nepal clean city it is most clean . This city slandered Level is look like forging country tourist place .


    Lakes in pokhara 

    In Pokhara Phewa lake is largest lake which is second largest lake in Nepal . It includes the part of Pokhara valley, Sarangkot and Kaskikot . In Pokhara Phewa lake see the reflation of Machhapurchhe mountain . Many tourist come to phewa lake enjoy boating and fishing another main attraction of Phewa lake is Barahi Bhagawati temple., which is suited middle of the lake . In Pokhara there is another lake is available who attract the tourist that lake name is begnas lake 

    Cave in Pokhara 

    Mahendara Cave is one of the most visit and tourist attraction place in Pokhara .This cave is located small town which name is Butalechaur . The cave is natural tunnel one can walk inside different rock around of wall . You can reach this place. drive 10 minute from main city . This cave name keep by Nepal king Mahendra . Mahendra cave give the oppurinty of visit Bat cave . Bat cave is 150mtr. Long and 25ft height , 

    International mountain museum 

    More than seventy thousand international and domestic tourist visit the international mountain museum every year. The museum contain main three exhibition halls. Hall of great himalays . Hall of frame and Hall of Mountain. Inside the museum . There are exhibits the famous peeks description of  famous mountain and description of culture and lifestyle of mountain people . 

    Pokhara is Nepal most famous tourist palace . If any people come in Pokhara they totally feel a different. In Pokhara tourist found all facilites which is not avabile other Nepal tourist place .Tourist take enjoy in Pokhara culture, festival, and natural of Pokhara

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