Bhaktpur Durbar Square

Bhaktpur Durbar Square


Product Description

 Bhaktpur Durbar Square is one of the famous historical and tourist place in Nepal. It is in Bhaktpur district . Which is nearest of kathmandu District . Bhaktpur Durbar Square lies in Eastern part of kathmandu valley. This tourist place show the history and culture of Newar community of Bhaktpur . 

Bhaktpur Durbar Square

    Nyatapola Temple 

    Nyatapola tempale is one of the major attraction place of Bhaktpur Durbar Square . It is a Newari Language which means five stories. The symbolic of Basic element . This is biggest and highest pagoda of Nepal. ever built such architectural perfection and artlistic beauty.

    Nyatapola Temple Bhaktpur Durbar

    Bhairava Nath Temple 

    Bhairava Nath Temple  Bhaktpur Durbar

    The Bhairava Nath Temple is another attraction tourist place in Bhaktpur Durbar Square.  Bhairava is the most fierce manifestation aspect of lord shiva 

    Golden Gate 

    Bhaktpur Major one tourist attraction place is Golden Gate. The door is surmounted figure of the hindu goddess kali and Gaurda attend by two heavy Nymphs. The golden gate is most beautiful and it door is cover by gold layar. The golden gate is said to be the most beautiful and richly moulded  specimen its kind in the entrie world. This gate was erected by king Ranjit Malla and is the entrance to the main courtyard of the place of fifty-five windows. 

    55 window place 

    Bhaktpur Darbur Square Main popular and tourist attraction place is 55 windows place. The fifty five window was built during the reign of the Malla king Ykasha Malla in 1427 AD and was remodeled by king Bhuptindra Malla in 17th century Among, the break walls with their gracious setting and sculptural design is a balcony of fifty-five windows. It is known as one of the oldest monument present in Nepal 

    Any people come in Bhaktpur Durbar Squre they can get  enjoy local cultural, festival and other many thing. Any people come to visit in Bhaktpur Durbar Square they see a many other natural thing. who is near in Bhaktpur District .  

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